
How to Participate in Gi60:

To participate in any Gi60 events or activities, see descriptions and guidelines below. If you’re interested in hosting a one minute festival of your own using Gi60’s brand and goodwill, please contact the directors of Gi60. Once approved, we will endeavor to support you in any way we can by promoting your event on our website and social media pages, and we ask that you respect the rules and guidelines as outlined below:

·         That your organization and participants commit to the core values as outlined above.

·         In all publicity, the event will be listed as being presented by ScreamingMediaProductions in association with your organization.

·         You and your organization will use and abide by the specific Gi60 submission guidelines.

If you would like to create a one minute festival and prefer it not be a Gi60 hosted event, we’re happy to consult with you and offer helpful information based on our many years of experience. We’re committed to supporting you and the success of the one minute story, whether you’re part of a branch of Gi60 or an independent group with your own love of one minute plays and storytelling. If you’re going it alone, that’s great and we’re happy to help, all we ask is that you don’t use the Gi60 name or branding without speaking to us first.




The Five Branches of Gi60:


Gi60 International One Minute Theatre Festival:

Now entering its 19th year, Gi60 International is an annual festival produced in partnership between the United States and the UK. One live event in two locations, Leeds UK and New York City, each producing a unique set of 50 original one minute plays selected from the annual submission pool. Directed by Gi60 founders Steve Ansell and Rose Burnett Bonczek, these live theater events are streamed, filmed, and the plays are then uploaded to the Gi60 YouTube Channel.


A Call for Submissions is generally issued at the end of February/early March each year. See the Submission Guidelines for full details


Gi60 International is always open to new partnerships around the world, and we welcome you contacting us to explore the possibilities. Once approved as a Gi60 International sanctioned event, companies adhere to the following criteria:

·         Plays will be selected from the single submission pool that all Gi60 International sites draw from, ensuring representation of writers from the global community at all Gi60 sites. All writers – even those local to your event - need to submit their work to the Gi60 International site, not directly to you.

·         There is no submission fee, prize or payment for Gi60 participation

·         Plays that meet the definition of ‘hate speech’ will not be considered. See description above.

·         Plays may be filmed and made available for upload to the Gi60 Channel


Gi60 Radio

Originally helmed by associate artistic director Christopher Thomasson, this endeavor is temporarily on hiatus. Sadly, Christopher passed away before he could see his vision of Gi60 Radio completed, but we are endeavoring to reconstruct some of his recordings from files he left behind. Stay tuned. 



Gi60 in Education:

One minute plays are a dynamic tool in education, theatre training and performance for students of all ages, from elementary school to college. Whether you’re teaching literacy, creative writing, acting, directing or English as a second language, the compact, economic nature of the one minute play, and the fact that it can be tailored to any age, group or subject, makes it a fantastic mechanism for discovery and learning. The format allows educators to have a project that provides ‘equal’ performance opportunities for students, from cast size to representation of your specific students. 


We offer online and in person workshops in writing, performing and directing short form theater, and offer resources in guiding educational sites to create and apply the one minute play in classrooms and on stage. Gi60 in Education offers:

·         Access to over 2,000 one minute plays for students and teachers to read, review, and choose from.

·         Instruction on writing, performing, directing and producing one minute plays in  4 chapters in One Minute Plays: A Practical Guide to Tiny Theatre by Steve Ansell and Rose Burnett Bonczek; this volume also includes an anthology of 200 one minute plays organized thematically (universal, youth appropriate, adult theme) as well as by cast size

·         Guidance on how to organize and produce a festival of one minute plays, no matter how limited or abundant a school’s resources may be

·         School partnerships between the US and UK, with suggested lesson plans and programming for teachers and students to create one minute plays that are then exchanged with their ‘sister school’



Our youth theatre wing brings together young artists in performing and producing one minute plays. #NextGen, now in its 6th year, is performed by actors aged 9-17 under the supervision of trained theater teachers and artists. Plays are selected from a specific call for submissions for #NextGen, as well as from the annual submissions for Gi60 International.


To view past #NextGen plays (performed by the students of Acting Out!, a private acting conservatory), visit the Gi60 Channel on YouTube and search “Gi60 US #NextGen”.


Gi60 on Film

The pandemic of 2020/2021 prevented theatre artists from collaborating in person, so innovation and adaptability was essential. Gi60 theatre artists created work using new mediums, from iPhone films, to Zoom recordings to video camera. In 2020, we selected a small number of plays from our annual submissions, filmed them, and presented them as a collection via The Tank NYC/Cybertank and stage@leedsDigital Theatre platforms. The popularity of this event – and the unknown future – makes Gi60 on Film a new and welcome branch of the Gi60 family.

Though still under discussion, the future of Gi60 on Film may include producing one minute films along with live events and Gi60 Radio, or possibly accepting submissions of original one minute plays already filmed by independent artists.