Thursday, 1 June 2017

Gi60 US - Performances on June 8, 9 and 10

The second leg of the Gi60 International One Minute Theatre Festival - now in its 13th year - is opening soon in Brooklyn, New York!  Gi60 US will perform on Thursday June 8, Friday June 9 and Saturday June 10 at 8:00 pm in the New Workshop Theatre on the campus of Brooklyn College. 50 original plays in 50 minutes!  Featuring an incredible cast of current BC students, alums and guest artists. For tickets, please visit:

Every Gi60 US performance will be live streamed on the Gi60 YouTube Channel - for more information and a full list of selected plays, see this blog or the Gi60 FB page. 50 fierce, funny, fabulous plays in fifty minutes! All proceeds from ticket sales support the Gi60 US/UK Collaboration Scholarship for Brooklyn College students.

Press Contact: Rose Burnett Bonczek
718/951-5000 X 2768