Saturday, 14 May 2022

Gi60 UK Live Edition 2022 PLAYS SELECTION

Gi60 UK Live Edition: Ticket Link

I am very pleased to be able to announce that the majority of plays for Gi60 UK live edition have been chosen. The quality of writing has been so high this year that we are still making final decisions over the last few plays. All playwrights chosen for Gi60 International UK Live edition will be contacted within the next few days and offered a free ticket to the live event or the online streaming. This year we will be broadcasting the stream in the same week as Gi60 International US Live edition for a truly international festival feeling.
Thank you, as usual, to all our writers who have once again sent an amazing collection of tiny plays that seem to perfectly encapsulate the times in which we live. It’s a long process but it really is a pleasure and an honour to read such a body of work each year. I look forward to seeing the selection of the Gi60 UDs Live panel when it’s released.
Very best regards
Steve Ansell
Gi60 International UK Live Edition: Play Selection
Hold Your Peace Raymond - P. Weath
Fatal Bite Arthur - M. Jolly
The Zebra Matthew - Weaver
Good News Steve - Alguire
Skittles, A day in the Life - Terry Collins
Even Briefer Encounter - Terry Collins
Walter The Legend - Debra A. Cole
Cup of Tea - Jennifer Whittaker
REUNION II - Ruben Carbajal
The Last Out - Dave Doster
Lost - Marilyn LT Klimcho
The Good Fight - Janice Morris Neal
Chekhov's Gun - Ruben Carbajal
Me and Love - Janice Morris Neal
G.I Poe - Jay Strong
Presence - Ruben Carbajal
Clothes Shopping With a Friend - Michele Markarian
STOP and GO - Gary Wadley
ROOF - KNOCKING - Marco Di Stefano
ONE THING AT A TIME - Leo Byrne Jenicek
What do you Want from Me? - Ellie Cansdale
Scream - Georgia Pickles
Old Dog New Trick - Dana Hall
Untitled, A Short Play - Ruben Carbajal
STILL SEEN - Jay Nickerson
Second Sleep - Marilyn Anne Campbell
Not About You - Ivy Vale
Ghombie - Georgia Pickles
10 Second Rule - 3 Second Dog! - Jennifer Whittaker
PLEASE SMILE - Robin Baron
A Creative Challenge - Phil Taylor
Queue Life - Abi Sutcliffe
Let's Do Something - T Salib
CHEESY - Vivian C. Lermond
Window - Sophia Vitkovitsky
WHITE NOISE - Alex Dremann
Films - Joel Dean
Tree Funeral - Olly Leighton
Hookie - Hilary Bluestein-Lyons
Every Fairytale Ever Told… - Colette Murphy
Flight of Thought - Dana Hall
The last Few Meat Sacks - Lewis Fraser
Groan in 60 - Arthur Sutcliffe
4 - Barry Hobbs