Gi60 UK Live Edition: Play selection (finally!)
1. Endpoint Ruban Carbajal
2. …That is the Question Dan Morra
3. Terminal Manners Tom Carrozza
4. Facing Fears Connie Schindewolf
5. Love After Death Haley Sielinski
6. Blue Giraffe Stacey Lane
7. Coach Juilia Lederer
8. We Mark Smith
9. Shoe Collection Asher Wyndham
10. Homecomming Concessions Jim MacNerland
11. Bed 13 Maude Lambert
12. Teasing it out Jim MacNerland
13. Nobody Ever Asks Me Dwayne Yancey
14. Polaroids Patrick Gabridge
15. Goldie Alex Bernstein
16. Desert Island Idiots Richard Graham
The Seven habits of the five
highly effective people you
meet in heaven on tuesdays
for dummies R.A. Pauli
17. The Interrogation Howard Margulies
18. Super Clothiers Matthew Konkel
19. Dogs are Getting Smarter Tom Carrozza
20. Attack Of the Vampire Joel Dean
21. Worry-Wart Suzanne Bailie
22. Final Approval Lucy Wang
23. The Reverse-Psychic Joe Bryant
24. I'm On a train Mark Harvey Levine
25. Amazon Prime Russ Thorne
26. We Three Kings Liam Ashmore, Ellice Price
27. Another day, Another Dollar Hugh Cardiff
28. Down The Pan Barry Hobbs
29. Baby Naming Amy Ignatow
30. Science Fair project Dwayne Yancey
31. A wake Jonathan Dowsett
32. Hunger Joe Bryant
33. America Julian Kaufman
34. Pie in the Sky Terry Collins
35. Repression Phil Darg
36. Recognition Jason Rainey
37. Two squirrels on a powerline Dwayne Yancey
38. Chocolate Bar Support Group Jasmine Bown
39. Diabolical Oscar Allen
40. Predators Aurora Stewart de Pena
41. Guards Arthur Sutcliffe
42. Build a block Arthur Sutcliffe
43. Beth against the Universe,
Or Vice Versa Sandra Hosking
WHAT WE’RE DOING’ Clara N.Pillitz
45. It's Mine it's yours Rhea McCallum
46. Over there Sabrina Cataudella and
Ceasar Romero
Ceasar Romero
47. The Tenth Muse Karin Fazio Littlefield
48. The Other Woman Thomas J. Misuraca
49. The Greatest Thing
Since Sliced Bread Alllie Costa
50. Scone in 60 seconds Helen Elliott
Please let me know any spelling or other errors. Thank you to everyone who submitted and for your patience.