Thursday 30 May 2013

Gi60 UK Live edition the 2013 plays...

Gi60 UK Live Edition 2013
Vic Allen Otherwise
Will Arbery Matching
Eric Auld Last word
Rachel Avison 'Chuck, Charity' Cherish'
Rachel Bublitz Dealing with Death
Ron Burch Zombie speed dating
Ruban Carbajal Solstice
Sabrina Cataudella I sit alone
Allie Costa Seven
Matthew Lomax Immortal
Joel Dean The Lost Art
CJ Ehrlich The things they don't tell us
Ramona Floyd Four
Krishna Francis Oh No
Patrick Gabridge Superman Out
Luke Galloway Googlemails party
Amy Gijsbers van Wijk Pros & Cons
Claire Girvan Everybody needs good neighbours
Steve Goldman Apple
Charles Hall Cabin Pressure
Jessica Hilton Nervous
Jessica Hilton No 56
Margaret Holbrook Talk to me
Peter Hsieh To change ones profile picture for the purpose of activism
Amy Ignatow Unconciously 
Alan Jozwiak Persistence pays
Yohanan Kaldi Socks
Julian Kaufman Wolf from the door
Julian Kaufman The Slaughter
Shirley King Fire! Fire!
Vincent Krasauskas "Drama (A Comedy)"
John Levine The Conference
Jim MacNerland In a facebook Minute
Michael Mayere Tasking Tango
James McLindon Loss
Christian Neuhaus Phaust
Jay Nickerson Just cut it
Lydia Rain Neighbours
Juan Ramirez Dad & Son
Nelly Reyes Argh
Esmee Sanders Network
Ted Wenskus Bad Boy
Ted Wenskus Timing is everything
Suzanne Whang An open letter to Cancer
Leo Woods Mental Hospital 
Dwayne Yancey Three trees talking
Dwayne Yancey The whole wide world
Dwayne Yancey This is the captain speaking
Dan Morra Real friends
John Hawkhead Mother Morphine